Kenape pulak saya namakan camnih "Spreadie-Twist Kid"??Sebab...saya da taburkan manik2 dan pearls yg kecil di sekeliling leher baju2 nih..n Twist pulak stands for the small beads yg menjalar dan berpusing2 kt area spreaded beads tuh.Sumenye tiga helai n it belongs to anak2 Puan Noor..Happy Beraya Sakan Day ye Puan Noor Hidanah..Nti Jgn Lupe anta baju lg..!! ;-)
Simple Abercrumbie utk Kurung Raya Puan Noor
The above pun belong to Puan Noor Hidanah where she dun want it to be crowded with beads but to make it simple..Maksudnye..i dun have to renjis kan so much beads after crumb it with pearls.Well..for me this is simple but it depends on the individual point of view.Ade yg kate camni heavy dan berat.It depends! :-)
Spreadie BeAdz For Kurung Puan Noor
This is belong to Puan Noor Hidanah..Baju nih adalah busana utk becoming Hari Raya nti...Puan Noor cume nak manik yg bertabur kt sekeliling tgn baju nya sahaja..
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