Again belong to Cik Ju..Huh...ade lagi satu baju belong to her yg blum return...seems very busy to settle everything...I'll start bosss..da kurang bz niyh!!;D
Baju kurung belong to Puan Hidanah...
Puan Hidanah wants it to be spreaded with pearls n manik n to be quite inilah jadi nye but it doesnt look nice with the camera quality..almaklum cume gune camera Hp yg tak bertekno time will try to upload with Full HD punyeeeee!! ngeeeee~
Baju Puan Normah to MATRADE Dinner
Self Improvement as well as enhancement
Diz is how i'm trying to improve myself.Beli buku dulu..Balik harini nk telaah la linn sampai lebam.pastu kalo tak dapat gak how to sew on 3D nye flower nih..baru la register for any 3D class.Well actually,i aint got much time to attend class sebab bz on sewing manik utk customer..Ya Allah, lapangkanla masa ku sedikit pun jadikla utk attend class 3D.Somehow juga, class 3D adalah mahal compare to diz book yg hanya bernilai rm45.Bought from Michelle Lovely Beads kt Pertama Complex.
Incredible Irresistable Crumble to Cik Ju
This kurung belong tu Cik Ju.Disulam2 kan dengan pearls yg pelbagai saiz, beads and gem stone yg berlainan warna.Mengambil masa seminggu utk disiapkan sebab tak sihat! hehe..tapi dasiap...
Simple Abercrumble belong to my former CC..Puan Normah
Using Pearls and stones |
beads to scatter all over the pearls so called crumble |
Diz so calles Abercrumble because it has been simplified by the previous manik beriring done to kurung Puan Norma.She suddenly changed her mind n askin me to sew on crumble as simple as I can do.Maybe she wants it suitable or more appropriate to attend any functions and formal events.Work done within two days sewed in the car n while playing angry bird. It aint crazy!It cool!! :D
Once upon a Time when I attended a beading Class..
kuroz plak diri ni time niyh.. |
Diz iz da pic when I attended a beading class with Cikgu Aziz Mohd Ariff last year. I followed his blog and his crumbles especially inspire me a lot (bukan tiru erk) to energize me more and more in beading.ThanX to Cikgu Ariff.I'll never stop beading coz it is part of my obsession.Actually i've beaded bout more than 3 years but attending a class making me more techniqueable in beading.Lovin it LOL!!
HArdy Crowdie Small Itchy Crumbs (bukan main pjg nama crumble aku nih)
Si Hardy Crowdie nih diberi nama sempena ianya susah ..banyak pearls dat involved in da pembikinan crumble nih termasuk la beads yg byk juge.Diz is belong to Puan Hafidzah .Lambat upload .Sepatotnye tahun lepas nih.Tapi i didnt start on blogging my beads lagi last year.:D
EaZy Come Eazy Go MoM`s Crumble
Highlighten The Lightening Day
Highlighting baju nikah belong to a friend |
A Pic while in the midst of highlighting my E-Day Modern kurung.:D |
Two Pics above were taken a few months ago but aint got time to upload..It`s just a very simple highlighting laces on the satin kurung n organza for the big event aka E-Day (Engagement Day) and a friend`s Nikah Day.I used to do it on my own.Senang.As we know tempahan manik kt luar are so damn expensive of Upah Menjahit sebab sgt memerlukan kepakaran, kreativiti dan kekemasan.Dats so important in menjahit.U've got to really committed and consistent in doing it utk kekemasan sampai rabun2 mata aku n somehow semakin menjuling.Tapi ia sangat la worth it once siap sewing beads n u got the payment.If u dont believe me, try it!! Enjoy!:D
My Mechamanik ToolBox
nih ialah toolbox mekanik yg aku telah ubahsuai jadik toolbox manik-mekanik..:p |
Inside it..ade sume mende termasuk buku resit..ngeheheu...:p |
nihpun tak muat..:D |
Gambar2 di atas nih bukanla toolbox mekanik or technician but my toolbox yg penuh diisi sampai serba tak muat oleh diriku seniri.Sempena banyak tmpahan yg tak menang tgn so aku terpaksa usung box nih merata2..Lagak n gaya dah macam technician but aint know anything pasal technician.Im just a cool beader.Once ku bought diz toolbox, mak ku menjerit..Aduy...tu kan toolbox mechanic..Arghh..hmmade ku kesah keh..?Janji can occupy sume manik2 aku dengan cantik n kemas.Dan yg penting bleh usung merata2 even bleh menjahit lam kereta while waiting for sesape jek...I hate wastin` time...LOL..:D
Crumble made Eazy for Myself
Crumble Eazy Puan Sue with bunga highlight
di bhgian tgn baju:Pearls and beads |
pandangan atas tgn baju Puan Sue |
Badan Baju(highlight bunga) |
Badan baju (highlight bunga) |
Spread BeadZ untuk Puan Scha
Kurung modern above belong to Puan Scha where she wants beads to be spreaded all along the neck and hand of the kurung.Its kinda simple tetapi memerlukan ketekunan utk menjait satu persatu beads ke atas kurung nih..well friends..enjoy viewing again!! :D
Using byk beads gold n silver utk nampak shining di pagi raya |
Grape Crumb Puan Rozila
Crumble Lace Puan Fieza
Spreadie-Twist Kid untuk Puan Noor's Kid
Kenape pulak saya namakan camnih "Spreadie-Twist Kid"??Sebab...saya da taburkan manik2 dan pearls yg kecil di sekeliling leher baju2 nih..n Twist pulak stands for the small beads yg menjalar dan berpusing2 kt area spreaded beads tuh.Sumenye tiga helai n it belongs to anak2 Puan Noor..Happy Beraya Sakan Day ye Puan Noor Hidanah..Nti Jgn Lupe anta baju lg..!! ;-)
Simple Abercrumbie utk Kurung Raya Puan Noor
The above pun belong to Puan Noor Hidanah where she dun want it to be crowded with beads but to make it simple..Maksudnye..i dun have to renjis kan so much beads after crumb it with pearls.Well..for me this is simple but it depends on the individual point of view.Ade yg kate camni heavy dan berat.It depends! :-)
Spreadie BeAdz For Kurung Puan Noor
This is belong to Puan Noor Hidanah..Baju nih adalah busana utk becoming Hari Raya nti...Puan Noor cume nak manik yg bertabur kt sekeliling tgn baju nya sahaja..
SimplesT Ever..Simply Leavy..
Yg nih so called as Simply Leavy..sebab kelihatan dedaunan silver bertaburan di keliling lengan bju ...the Baju given was so dark in colour dat makes me a bit dizzy to think bout fortunate colour of beads to sew on...but luckily berjaya jugak coz the owner wants it to b as simple as it could be...:)
ToPSy TurVy CruMble
TOpSy turvY CrumbLe nih Wuz Sewed utk One of My customer, Ms Fiza for her engagement..Diz Crumble was made as simple as I could since Ms Fiza wants it to be simple but shining anyway..So variety colours of pearls were sewed on to glitz it..ThanX to Ms Fiza of giving me the trust to beaT the BeadZ on ur dress...:D
DiZzy KrayZie CrumbS
DizzY KraYzie Crumble nih wuz sewed to one of ma fren kurung..PuaN Nor HafidZah Maulud..Nama Crumble tu Was so given coz mase sewing tu Im very sick.huhu..demam n She wants it urgently...jawapannye itula jadiknye...but still the crumble made in a very creative has been twisted wisely with silver glass beads among the pearls...Well FieZa..Thanx Coz bg kepercayaan pade ku utk menjait manik on ur 2nd kurung...TQ Lol!!
LuXurinO Twisted CrumbS
Luxurino Twisted Crumbs nih wuz sewed on my beloved auntie nye baju kurung biase n yg sgtla dull...i decided to make variety of the colour and to twist silver beads on it. i think this is one of my best beading work (alamak perasan betul!:p)..huhu....feel free to comment kt bawah..komenlaa...itz good for me to improve ma self in da future...thanx everybody!! ;)
HankY PanKy Prelime Crumble
Yg nih npk cool but sometime looked terrible if u stare it closely coz diz is ma first crumble made rite after came back from Ckgu Aziz class.Baju nih was given by my auntie as a present on my first engagement lol..n without further delay, ku kerja kan baju nih dgn manik2 n pearls yg ade n inila hasilnye...siap ade cangkerang2 purple bergntungan kt bwh2 tu..huk3...
Cranky WHitE PearLy CrumB foR izyan'z ZaiM WeddinG..
Diz Cranky White Pearly Crumb wuz sewed on a frienDs Busana too.Dear Pinky Izyan Zaim has putting me trust to beAt d Beadz On her wedding Busana.But Diz is only on half Body Of the Busana as She wanted me to sew so..i hit the Crystale, Pearls and lotz of shocking pink beads to glitz n glamz the Wedding Busana.However if u want to shine it up, u should choose swarovski stones and crystale...konfem 50 batu dari dewan kawen tu org sume dah nampak hang dah...huhu..anyway yan...ko npk ensem n gorgeous dgn baju nih...:)
KebAya with Electra FuzzY CrumBle
Diz Electra FuZZy Crumble are made by me on one of ma fren Kebaya for her engagement.. I decided to put more pearls rather than beads to emphasize on the shocking colour so as to enhance this light green kebaya during her engagement day.But unfortunately me...she didnt showed up till today to collect her kebaya..:'(..and Unfortunately so many fan on her kebaya after i sewed on pearls and beads..TQ dearL!!u chill my day...;p
Intro Electro to Beat D Beadz Ouze....
WeLCome to the BEAT d BEADZ OUZE blog..herewith i enclosed evribadeh with ma beading work wic is rarely can be seen throughout the world..Selamat Datang Ke BEAD D BEADZ OUZE blog...Beat d Beadz from Alynn menawarkan jahitan manik yg jarang dilihat di mana2 butik hasil kerja tangan Alynn seniri..
First and Foremost I would like to introduce everybody with myself..Ma Name iz Nur Izzul Azlynne.Im Originally from Malaysia n wuz born in Farmer Riverside, Kedah Darul Peace yaww...Im currently working as a Malaysia govt servant and i really into beads since last 4 years.
Diz iz how i convince everybody once they handover their kurung to me to sew on beads..
I would have been in had doing this interesting partime job to pleasure my free toime as beading makes my day coloured.
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